A new year begins and together with good intentions often arises an unusual desire for change and new .. Both for ourselves and for our home!
Many times it's enough to change the color of the walls, the pillowcases of the sofa cushions, a carpet or a painting .. and our house already looks different!
This year we take inspiration from Pantone's color of the year: Classic Blue.

PANTONE 19-4052 Classic Blue is a timeless shade of blue, elegant in its simplicity. Recalling the sky at dusk, its reassuring qualities promise protection. Classic Blue instills a sense of peace and tranquility in the human soul, transmitting calm and confidence and offering refuge. This color encourages us to look beyond the obvious to think deeper and outside the box, broaden our horizons and facilitate the flow of communication.
Blue is the color of the sky, of the sea, of infinite space and represents the metaphysical, masculine sky-father. It also corresponds to the Visshudhi throat chakra which means to purify and is located at the first cervical vertebra. The key word of blue is purification, by making pure we mean the ability to separate what is poisonous, harmful from what is not. Therefore blue purifies the air and water and thus can help our body eliminate "poisons", in fact it is a powerful antiseptic. By staring at this color for a long time, an effect of calm, satisfaction and harmony is produced. Blue is the color of the sea and the sky and ice. Therefore, blue is the color of silence, calm, tranquility and cold. For the Chinese people, blue is the color of immortality. It represents the intellect, truth, fidelity, constancy. Blue is the color of great depth, the feminine principle. For Buddhists it represents Heaven. It is purifying and is the color of space. It induces introspection, sensitivity, calm and serenity. While in religious symbolism, blue indicates the truth and is associated with the creative power of God. In ancient Rome, however, blue was worn by civil servants, thus marking the beginning of the idea for today's police uniforms. The expression "royal blue" for constancy and fidelity, perhaps born of sailors, which associated the blue sky with freedom from storms.
Il blu ha molti benefici effetti sulla psiche: combatte l’agitazione sia fisica che mentale ed è quindi usato in psicoterapia per favorire rilassamento e distensione. È un’energia di tipo “fredda”. È il colore della calma, dell’infinito, della pace, della serenità emotiva e dell’armonia. Al contrario del colore rosso ha spiccate proprietà calmanti. Molto utile in caso di stress, nervosismo, ansia, insonnia, irritabilità e infiammazioni. Il blu in cromoterapia ha proprietà antisettiche, astringenti e anestetizzanti. Si usa in tutti i sintomi che sviluppano calore e nei dolori: mal di gola, laringiti, raucedine, febbre, spasmi, reumatismi. Dal punto di vista fisiologico stimola il sistema parasimpatico, diminuisce la pressione arteriosa, il ritmo respiratorio e i battiti del cuore, è quindi indicato per chi soffre di pressione alta, tachicardia e palpitazioni. Ha inoltre effetti antispastici, rinfrescanti, analgesici, rilassanti.
Grazie alle sue proprietà, il colore blu, qualsiasi sia la stanza in cui si usa, trasmette una sensazione di concentrazione e serenità. Il blu emana energia positiva e quindi se siete in un periodo stressato il Feng Shui consiglia di contemplare questa tinta, semmai anche dei vestiti nell'armadio. Si può usare nel bagno padronale per evocare un senso di calma, nella camera dei bambini o sul soffitto dell'ingresso, declinato nelle varie tonalità.
L'ambiente a cui è maggiormente indicato è la camera da letto, di adulti e bambini, ma molto spesso lo si trova anche in soggiorno, in qualche dettaglio, in quanto oltre ad essere un colore rilassante e anche molto molto elegante!
Blue has many beneficial effects on the psyche: it fights both physical and mental agitation and is therefore used in psychotherapy to promote relaxation. It is a "cold" type of energy. It is the color of calm, infinity, peace, emotional serenity and harmony. Unlike the red color, it has strong calming properties. Very useful in case of stress, nervousness, anxiety, insomnia, irritability and inflammation. Blue in chromotherapy has antiseptic, astringent and anesthetizing properties. It is used in all symptoms that develop heat and pain: sore throat, laryngitis, hoarseness, fever, spasms, rheumatism. From a physiological point of view, it stimulates the parasympathetic system, decreases blood pressure, respiratory rate and heartbeat, and is therefore suitable for those suffering from high blood pressure, tachycardia and palpitations. It also has antispasmodic, refreshing, analgesic and relaxing effects.
Thanks to its properties, the blue color, whatever the room in which it is used, transmits a feeling of concentration and serenity. Blue exudes positive energy and therefore if you are in a stressed period, Feng Shui recommends contemplating this color, if anything, also some clothes in the wardrobe. It can be used in the master bathroom to evoke a sense of calm, in the children's room or on the ceiling of the entrance, declined in various shades.
The interior to which it's most suitable is the bedroom, for adults and children, but very often it is also found in the living room, in some detail, as in addition to being a relaxing color and also very very elegant!

One of the (many) character traits that makes Classic Blue a winner for home décor is its ease of use. This is not a blue that seeks to shock, subvert or cause a stir. On the contrary, this reassuring mid-blue is a "calm" and timeless shade. As Eiseman puts it: "We live in a time that requires trust and faith," he says, "It is this kind of consistency and confidence that is expressed by Pantone 19-4052 Classic Blue, a solid and reliable blue shade we can always rely on." . So, where to apply it at home? Blues like this are connected not only with calm of the mind - suitable for the bedroom then - but with clarity of thought. So take it to home offices! It could be a Classic Blue upholstered desk chair or just some desk items in a cerulean hue.
However, Classic Blue is also said to boost communication, so it could also be a worthy contender for a new living room setup. Pantone 19-4052 Classic Blue encourages us to look beyond the obvious to expand our thinking; challenging us to think deeper, increase our perspective and open the flow of communication. Whether you bring it to your walls through sweeps of Classic Blue paint or wallpaper, or sprinkle smaller accents through home accessories and lamps, it would seem like this is a colorway bound to be successful in any corner of the house.
In the living room you can apply it to all the walls to obtain an intimate and collected effect, certainly this is more suitable for large living rooms; or you can dye the main wall blue, usually the one behind the sofa, creating a contrast with the white of the ceiling and other walls, and maybe even with a white painting that stands out from the wall!

If, on the other hand, you don't want to weigh down the room too much, let the brightness of white invade all surfaces and bring a touch of blue with a sofa. You will see it exalted in the whiteness of the room!

You can apply the same concept to the rest of the rooms: if dyeing the walls blue makes the rooms too heavy and dark, then opt for a touch of blue in the furnishings: sofas, chairs and armchairs. But be careful to always choose elegant and not very saturated shades, so as to be able to better combine them with the other colors of the room.

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